Aussie Beach Staycation Essentials… Don’t Forget the Beach Shade!
Call it a beach shade, beach tent or beach shelter – whatever you like – but the facts remain the same. This summer, when temperatures soar and coastal staycations are on the cards, we’re all going to need a secure, safe beach shelter (along with a few other key essentials!) to protect us from the hot Australian sun.
With overseas and interstate travel looking unlikely, holidaying in our own beautiful backyard is going to be the first choice for many Aussies. Now is the time to start stocking up on everything you need for a relaxing, trouble-free staycation, and to help, we’ve rounded up our list of ‘must pack’ items to get you organised ahead of December…
1. Enough of the ‘Right’ Sunscreen for You
There are SO many kinds of sunscreen out there, it can be baffling to select the best for your skin. We stock (and love!) the We Are Feel Good Inc range, which includes a specialty cream for sensitive skin, great for kids and those who find sunscreens to be tricky. it nourishes and supports the skin without compromising sun protection capabilities. The key thing is to buy enough to enable every member of the family to thoroughly cover themselves every 2 hours or after each swim. We found this great Sunscreen Calculator on the SunSmart website which helps you work out how much you need.

Shot by the OZoola Beachlife team on a holiday to Byron - the Pass.